It’s unbelievably stress relieving to be able to fart without restriction. Most of the time we’re around other people so we always try to be discrete when we fart. Either we look for an excuse to move away for a bit or we slowly let it go while trying to keep it as quiet as possible. The second one often leaves us with this weird serious look in our faces. You have to be really good at keeping your face normal to hide what you’re doing.

But when you really think about it, wouldn’t it be awesome if we could just let one go wherever we are without regard for what other people would think. It’d probably make our lives so much easier. Ok so it might not be that big a deal but at the very least it’d help us avoid some awkward moments. But I suppose that’ll never happen. We’ll just have to live with all our clandestine farting.
6/26/2023 04:40:13 am

Hi nicee reading your post


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