I’ve often wondered if you can fart while sleeping. I’ve never been able to experiment on it for obvious reasons but I suppose it is possible. Maybe when we’re sick or when we have too much soda the night before our bodies can’t hold all the gas in. That’s a possible theory. But then normal people don’t really pee when they’re sleeping either even if they’ve had a lot to drink the night before. The same logic should apply to farting as well.

I once had this weird idea to film myself while I sleep to check. I know it sounds like a bit too much hassle to do just to test my theory but sometimes I just have too much free time. Luckily I never went through with it because I didn’t have a camera. My brother didn’t let me borrow his so I just tried to forget it and moved on. I guess this’ll become one of those unsolved mysteries. What do you think?

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