Most people think that farts are disgusting and they are. They smell bad and sound really weird, but for the most part it’s the smell that makes them so unbearable. This is especially true if the person who farts has been eating some crazy food. The fart just smells revolting.

But take away the smell and you have to admit that farts are really funny. There are so many different types of farts that you just can’t help but laugh when you realize how many there are. What really cracks me up is when I hear a sound that I know I’ve made before. I just can’t stop laughing when that happens.

My friends tell me it’s crazy that I find fart sounds funny. I’m pretty sure they’re just posing though. I’m sure fart sounds crack them up too, they just don’t want to admit it. It’s like a built in funny button that we all have. Once it’s pressed you just can’t help but laugh.

6/28/2014 10:37:39 am

This blog is pretty interesting, will add a bookmark, thanks.


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