We’ve all seen it in movies, in commercials, in print ads and even on our comic strips. The question is can you really do that? It’s not a bad idea to add a flaming fart on the fart soundboard actually, but back on topic.

And the answer is… drum roll…. YES. Yes folks you can really light your fart on fire. Our farts have flammable gasses in them. Methane and hydrogen are two highly flammable gasses that give our farts that extra umph.

How’s it done you ask? Well you’d have to have a really big one stocked up. If you want to give it a try make sure that you’ve eaten a lot of fart enhancing foods like beans and eggs. Get a lighter ready and make sure that it’s near enough to catch fire but not so near that you’ll burn your skin. Then just let a big one rip and feel the heat behind you.

Be very careful with this though. It can really burn if you’re not careful.

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